Wang tiles (WIP)

I want to show a old wip about a software that I’m developing, it’s about Wang Tiles. Soon I’ll publish a first vresion.

Wang Tiles are small pieces that you combine in a way that there is not repetitions and any pattern and it’s very very fast once that you hace a tileset.

This was a very fast test in Softimage (R.I.P.):

And a old wip of my application:

In this future first verión will be possible to create wang tiles based on any texture. I expect publish an advance soon…





pixelstats trackingpixel

Bye bye Softimage..

softimage is dead

Yesterday Softimage anounces that leave Softimage development.. It has been my main and I don’t like this Autodesk policy, in the hypothetic case that Maya or Max was deprecated, I will think the same. But ok, it’s only software, I worked with Max, Maya and Softimage and are only tools.. so I’ll publish some some…

Python eval node

A old maya node that I just recovered.
A node that eval python expressions, very usefull for prototyping.
You can define custom methods or import any python module.

pixelstats trackingpixel

2014 objetives


New year, new things. Finally I had my new PC and I can start to do new things at home, now time to update knowledgements, learn Houdini, OpenGL4 and C++11. I expect soon publish new projects on the blog and changue this temp blog theme.